The professional capacity of the representatives of the legislative branch and its relation with the capacity to dismiss the president in the Latin American context.

  • Alex Javier Peñafiel Palacios Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Patty Elizabeth Del Pozo Franco Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Lady Yamileth Bajaña Bustamante Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Legislative power, presidential impeachment, professional capacity


In Latin American constitutions, the conditions on which citizens can opt for a legislative seat have been presented, being in addition to the obligations related to the elaboration of laws, and the responsibility of bringing the president and vice president to trial for various circumstances; thus, a qualitative study is carried out to show whether it is a fundamental requirement to reach these spaces of power to have some minimum level of study to develop such delicate functions, concluding that of the thirteen countries studied, only one requires a level of minimum schooling to be able to obtain a seat, recommending fostering the debate on the quality of legislators that can even lead to the removal of the highest democratically elected authority.
