Laser cutting with Raspberry Pi for layout in woodworking shops.

  • Milton Guillermo Gordón Martínez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Rosa Alicia Revelo Bolaños Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “San Antonio de Padua”
  • Diego Sebastián Gordón Revelo Unidad Educativa Cayambe
Keywords: Cutting, laser, system, layout, workshops


The present study exposes an innovative idea that involves the use of laser technology with Raspberry PI directed to carpentries with the purpose of improving the precision in wood tracing; the quantitative-qualitative route was used with a descriptive scope making reference to the main characteristics of laser cutting systems. In the research process, it was determined that there are problems of precision in the tracing and failures in the manual tools used. The use of a laser cutting machine does not produce as many chips as the conventional process, it can be used to make contours on the surface of the wood, silhouette adjustments or parts to be manipulated.
