Analysis of the perception of policies and principles to avoid over-indebtedness in financial institutions in the canton of Ibarra, Ecuador.

  • Wilmer Medardo Arias Collaguazo Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Carlos Wilman Maldonado Gudiño Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Olga Germania Arciniegas Paspuel Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: politics, law and economics, finance and commerce, financial policy


The health emergency due to COVID 2019 has had a great impact on the economy, production and finances. In this context, the investigation was raised, how users are accessing a loan and if the policies and procedures of financial institutions are maintained under the principles of customer protection. A quali-quantitative investigation was designed where user perceptions were collected. The results show that the Ecuadorian financial system in most of its institutions and entities are applying the principle of client protection, mainly in the application of policies of not overindebtedness, although there is a need to work with young groups in education financial and policy socialization.
