Web application as an improvement for the tourism promotion of Babahoyo Canton, Province of Los Ríos.

  • Laura Marlene Ochoa Escobar Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Federico Miguel Estrella Gómez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Leonardo Ivan Barahona Tapia Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: tourism, promotion, criteria, web application


Tourism is an activity of enormous importance for many countries and has become an effective instrument for comprehensive and inclusive development. This research project determines the factors that affect the tourist promotion of the Babahoyo canton. The research is based on the qualitative-quantitative methodology. The interpretation and analysis of these data, with the use of techniques such as the PEST analysis and the Hierarchical Analytical Process (AHP Saaty), allowed the fundamental criteria to be identified and ranked. In the propositional part, based on the identified requirements, it is proposed to develop a web application under the client / server model, aimed at improving tourism promotion in the Babahoyo canton, with free software technology.
