Design and manufacture of prototypes in the learning process for the Electricity and Mechanics workshops at the Industrial Technological and Services Baccalaureate Center No. 56, Iguala de la Independencia, Guerrero.

  • Pedro Mojica Moreno Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios no.65 de Iguala
  • Sergio Ayala Lozano Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios no.65 de Iguala
Keywords: infrastructure, mechatronics, prototype


This article addresses the aspect related to the design and implementation of didactic prototypes at CTIS 56, an institution of upper secondary level, which was specified in a pedagogical proposal to improve the expected learning of students related to the subject that it exposes. This research is the product of the authors' concern, to contribute to the improvement of the performance of the students of this educational center, in order to improve the learning results in the field of Mechanical, Electrical, Pneumatic and Power Transmission Systems. Hydraulics, and to counteract the insufficiency in budget items to provide equipment that is useful for the development of classes as didactic resources.
