University Governance and Metagovernance: theoretical advances and application opportunities.

  • Armenio Pérez Martínez Universidad Laica “Vicente Rocafuerte” de Guayaquil
  • Aimara Rodríguez Fernández Universidad Laica “Vicente Rocafuerte” de Guayaquil
Keywords: governance, metagovernance, higher education system, university governance, university metagovernance


Governance and metagovernance are manifested in the interactions of social groups, forming part of the government function for the creation and application of public policies. In the context of the Higher Education System, governance is a concept with wide repercussions; however, university metagovernance has not been applied. This article aims to argue about the use of university metagovernance for the conduct of processes and the generation of public policy in the Higher Education System. The main results point to the need to apply this concept to relationships between actors in the university community and in government structures, guaranteeing participation, collaboration, and university social responsibility.
