On educational gender policies: international and Chilean perspective.

  • Rocío Fernanda Concha López Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación
Keywords: gender, culture, educational policies, feminism, human rights


In the framework of a society that promotes universal human rights, education plays a leading role in the formation of citizenship that protects people's well-being. Among the main pedagogical challenges of contemporary times, there is equality according to the gender of people, which implies promoting socio-cultural changes, and reflects the complexity of this desire. To contribute to this debate, this essay analyzes educational policies around gender from a relatively global perspective and a local perspective, which is the Chilean perspective. It is recognized that it is necessary to develop training in the matter for specialists in education, and in the Chilean case, avoid reductionist interpretations.
