Burnout syndrome in leveling students of the Medicine career at the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo.

  • Franklin Baltodano Ardón Hospital pediátrico Alfonso Villagómez
  • Indira Pineda Grillo Escuela Superior Politécnica De Chimborazo
  • Rodrigo Gabriel Abarca Carrasco Escuela Superior Politécnica De Chimborazo
  • Lorena Elizabeth Castillo Ruiz Escuela Superior Politécnica De Chimborazo
  • María Alejandra Baltodano Pineda Fundación Internacional Buen Samaritano Paul Martel
  • Evelyn Fernanda Encalada Fundación Internacional Buen Samaritano Paul Martel
  • Evelyn Alejandra Pozo Santacruz Fundación Internacional Buen Samaritano Paul Martel
  • Jackeline Marilyn Quispe Ramírez Fundación Internacional Buen Samaritano Paul Martel
  • Jessica Briggette Salazar Briceño Fundación Internacional Buen Samaritano Paul Martel
Keywords: Burnout syndrome, emotional fatigue, waste, personal fulfillment


The objective of the research was to determine the presence of clinical signs of Burnout syndrome in leveling students of the medical career of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo in the academic period March-July 2019 under a descriptive study with a qualitative approach with a sample of 86 medical degree leveling students, using the Maslach Burnout Inventory classification scale. As a result, it is presented that the Burnout syndrome is a pathology that students present.
