Carlos Manuel de Céspedes García Menocal facing the condition of the Cuban in the first decade of the XXI century.

  • Jéssica Acón Colàs Privilege Club Bahía Príncipe Tulún
Keywords: socialism, socio-economic and political crisis, Catholic Church


The importance and novelty of this work lies in showing the thought of the Cuban priest as one of the richest in concepts, judgments, and variety of analyzes around the social evolution of our country outside of the so-called official academic structures in Cuba; a success that becomes even more evident after the socialist collapse. His approaches move from the circumstances of the national economy to modifications in the field of social and ideocultural relations, with points of view that, at times, differ from the most common perspectives on the same events. Fundamentally active bibliography was used for its development, expressed in the articles of the object in question in Word New, as well as other publications of his.
