Motivational factors in job satisfaction in a company for accident prevention from Herzberg's perspective.

  • Anayeli Reyes Anacleto Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Jannet Delfina Salgado Guadarrama Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Keywords: motivation, job satisfaction, accident prevention, human factor


Considering the human factor as the basis for achieving competitiveness in organizations, it is important to have the most qualified, motivated, and satisfied personnel possible. The study design was quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional. It can be noted that of the 117 respondents, 6.8% have had work accidents and more than half (93.2%) reported not having had any accident. The workers agree a medium satisfaction regarding motivational factors such as recognition and growth; 80.3% have had a high achievement within the company as well as the job itself, and the responsibility has had high satisfaction; a third mentioned having a low progress in the organization, so they feel dissatisfied.
