The fulfillment of one of the penalty purposes is dead in Ecuador.

  • Fabricio Diego Tixi Torres Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Mesías Elías Machado Maliza Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Penalty, Purposes, Rehabilitation, Prison, Overcrowding


When a person is sentenced and imposed a custodial sentence, they must enter a social rehabilitation center, since one purpose of the sentence is to seek a correct rehabilitation of the sentenced person. With this, the state will have to provide all facilities so that the sentenced person can be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society, complying with legal and dogmatic postulates of the penalty. A review of doctrine, jurisprudence and criminal dogmatics was made on the penalty and rehabilitation of the sentenced person. Thus, it was established that in our Ecuadorian state this purpose is not fulfilled, since the main focus of this is corruption, which comes from the upper echelons of the government in power.
