Socioeconomic factors associated with the academic performance of university students.

  • Miguel Ángel Araiza Lozano Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Keywords: university students, social inequality, academic performance in university students, EXANI-II


This study observes whether there is an association between the students' family capital and some central indicators of their professional training or that influence it, such as the university school career, the EXANI-II higher education entrance exam, the high school average, and failure in college and high school. In total, 420 UPSIN students were surveyed, but 314 participated. Spearman's Rho statistical analysis was used. There is an association between the family capital of the students and the university school trajectory and the entrance examination to higher education. The disadvantages of vulnerable students may be preventing access to university and also the achievement of better university school trajectories.
