The interd is ciplinary systematization of the content of the Computer Science subject applied in the Agronomy career of the UTEQ, Republic of Ecuador.

  • Jefferson Xavier Bravo Salvatierra Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo
  • José Luís Lissabet Rivero Universidad de Granma
  • Tania de la Caridad Rosabal Ferrer Universidad de Granma
Keywords: Interdisciplinary systematization,, Applied Computing, Generalization, Transfer, Functional application


The work presents the arguments of the theoretical construction of the interdisciplinary systematization of the content of the Applied Informatics subject of the Agronomy career, of the UTEQ, Republic of Ecuador, in which the central axis of analysis and reflection was taken to the resolution of interdisciplinary problems, to achieve the generalization, transfer and interdisciplinary functional application of the professional training content. The research carried out is theoretical, from a qualitative approach of the type: observational, analytical and prospective; using as a data collection technique the study of documents, and as theoretical methods: analysis synthesis, induction deduction, modeling, dialectical hermeneutic and holistic dialectic. 
