Work educational to favor the sexual education in the students of the 8vo grade of the annexed classrooms of Caxila I of the Commanding School Cowboy.

  • Leticia Isabel Vivar Betancor Centro Universitario Municipal Banes
  • Daniel Jesús Sánchez Guerra Universitario Municipal Banes
  • Darlis Reynaldo Rodríguez Centro Universitario Municipal “Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”
  • Elio Quiala Ortiz Universidad de Oriente
Keywords: educational actions, sexual education


The research addresses the study carried out in the annexed classrooms of "Caxila I", of the Comandante Cowboy School, Ondjiva Commune, Cunene Province, with the aim of developing educational actions to strengthen sexual education in 8th grade students. Among the shortcomings detected in the diagnosis are the few sexual education actions carried out with adolescents who are the most vulnerable to contracting sexually transmitted diseases. 12 educational actions are proposed to promote communication, weighting and promotion of knowledge and habits in the training of students on sexual education. During the research, methods were used: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, observation, interviews, statistical-mathematical and documentary review.
