The utopia of teacher revaluation.

  • Braulio González Ortega Escuela Normal de San Felipe del Progreso
  • Itzel Estefanía Sánchez Sánchez Secundaria No. 93 “José Martí”
Keywords: utopia, teaching revaluation, educational policy, teaching function


The objective of this article was to reflect on the concept of teacher revaluation in the framework of the last two Constitutional Reforms in Educational Matters. It was tacitly based on the so-called National Agreement for Educational Modernization of 1992, in which this concept was attracted to the language of educational policy. The article confirms, through cross-sectional ethnography, the assumption of the inexistence of an educational policy that revalues the teacher and is directly related to the current crisis of the teaching function that carries the danger of making education an impossible profession. The results foresee the need to revalue the teaching role and bet on education as a lever for development.
