Pertinence of the model and the didactic strategy for treating dyscalculia through the expert criterion method.

  • Fredi Fonseca Tamayo Universidad de Granma
  • Pedro Ángel López Tamayo Universidad de Granma
Keywords: didactic strategy, model, dyscalculia, expert judgment, method


This article refers to the assessment of the relevance of a model and its didactic strategy that were subjected to evaluation through the evaluation method based on expert criteria, by a part of the specialized scientific community for its possible application in pedagogical practice. The proposal is based on the results of a doctoral thesis in Pedagogical Sciences and the project "Educational attention to diversity in different educational contexts", which is carried out from the study of existing problems and is based on the characteristics of schoolchildren with dyscalculia, which is based on the main postulates of the socio-historical-cultural school and Cuban pedagogy.
