Digital tools and their impact on the development of divergent thinking.

  • Lila Maribel Morán Borja Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Gina Lorena Camacho Tovar Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Johanna del Carmen Parreño Sánchez Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
Keywords: divergent thinking, digital tools


Divergent thinking is a thinking process that generates creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. This would contrast with logical thinking that seeks a single correct solution based on our previous knowledge and ordered in a logical way. It stands out as it arises from the stimuli it receives and not from the facts. By having this base, the possibility of different trajectories occurring is born. We conclude the research, presenting several conclusions that account for, by way of synthesis, what is it that we refer to when talking about digital tools and how it influences the development of divergent thinking.
