Promotion of integral development through psychomotor skills.

  • Angélica Mirella León Castro Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Ana Lucía Mora Mora Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Laura Grace Tovar Vera Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
Keywords: Psychomotricity, gross motor skills, fine motor skills


Psychomotor skills as a cognitive-instrumental strategy is what concerns us in the present research approach, establishing that this is the key factor in the comprehensive development of boys and girls. For this purpose, from the scientific contribution, we document what Psychomotricity is, describing and explaining its historical evolution as a discipline, in addition to what are the elements that configure it, the objectives it pursues, type of skills it develops, and the stages in those that the development of boys and girls of infantile age is evidenced. We finalize the investigation, presenting several conclusions that account for, by way of synthesis, what we mean when we speak of psychomotor skills and how it influences the integral development of children.
