Implementation of Rapid E-Learning strategies in the face of the pandemic.

  • Moramay Ramírez Hernández Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac
Keywords: educational technology, Rapid E-Learning, virtual education, instructional design, ICT


With the emergence of the pandemic, educational institutions have had to reinvent themselves and adapt overnight to a new way of teaching, mainly oriented towards virtual education. This article describes the Rapid E-Learning strategies implemented by the academic body of a Technological University (UT), to provide its educational services to students. Although this model was initially created for the business world, in the educational context it was considered pertinent to implement it, due to the need to accelerate the process of creating e-learning courses where the factors of time, quality and learning are important. The methodology used for this project is action research, and in the development the PRADDIE instructional design model; for this project, it is action research and in the development, the instructional design model PRADDIE.
