The self-employment in the socioeconomic territorial development of Cuba.

  • Arnaldo Gálvez Zaldívar Escuela Provincial del Partido “Jesús Suárez Gayol” Las Tunas
Keywords: self-employment, political-legal theoretical referents, political behavior


This work estimates theoretical and political-legal references that support self-employment as a form of private property, constituted in a complementary economic sector and its articulation with the other forms of property recognized in the Update of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development. The study is carried out from the origins of private property addressed by the classics of Marxism. The treatment given during the revolutionary process to the processes of flexibilization and expansion that began in the 1990s and the peculiarities of its political behavior in the territorial socioeconomic development, become investigative interest from different disciplinary points of view; taking into account, the evolution of the political and legal regulations established in the country.
