Ethnobotanical study of medicinal species, their uses and nursing interventions in the Ramosloma community, Ecuador.

  • Nairovys Gómez Martínez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Nayaris Gómez Martínez Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría
  • Yoel Rodríguez Guerra Universidad Estatal Amazónica
  • Ana Martha Casarreal Guerra Policlínico Pedro Borras
  • Germania Elisabeth Vilema Vizuete Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: ethnobotany, medicinal species, nursing interventions


Nursing as a science feels the need to know the origin, context and performance of medicinal plants. Describing the nursing actions from the knowledge of ethnobotany in medicinal species was the objective of the descriptive, cross-sectional research. The sample was made up of 163 inhabitants who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Variables studied: age, sex, way of obtaining knowledge, number of known species, and nursing activities. 65.03% of the sample belonged to the female sex and 12.26% of knowledge, 96.94% of the nursing actions carried out were in ages of 78 years and over. There was a correlation between nursing actions and the empirical and medical form of knowledge.
