Pedagogical Thinking and Concrete-Abstract Thinking.

  • Luis Rodolfo Ibarra Rivas Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Keywords: abstract, concrete, think, pedagogical knowledge


This work supports the hypothesis: thinking requires going through processes; here the passage from concrete to abstract thinking is highlighted, to support the concept part of complex thinking. On this basis, the genesis that goes from the sensorial-motor to operative thinking is shown, to venture that some want an abstract thinking based on concepts, and others what they call concrete. Then the complaint is made between those who defended and defend teaching based on concepts and others on things. Limitations of teachings that simplify, dichotomize, abstract and mechanize thinking are argued. Pedagogical knowledge is offered to face the complexities of the concrete-abstract relationship. It concludes by inviting to reassess a rhythmic teaching of the concrete-abstract.
