Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic used in primary education.

  • Gloria Leticia Montalvo-Charles Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa (CRETAM)
  • José Torres-Jiménez Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV)
  • Ezra Federico Parra-González Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa (CRETAM)
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Distance Education, electronic devices, educational platforms, digital tools


The COVID-19 pandemic caused a change from face-to-face education to distance education supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); The results reported in this article were obtained from surveys of 3,292 parents of elementary school students during the year 2021 in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. The methodology used followed a non-experimental quantitative approach with a descriptive scope. The main conclusions are: a) the majority of parents had to buy electronic devices; b) the most used applications was WhatsApp; c) the most used educational platform: Google Classroom, and d) the preferred teaching materials were digitized documents and printed study guides.
