Digital skills and academic performance in students of the specialty of secondary education, Academic School of Education, National University of San Marcos.

  • Ofelia Carmen Santos Jiménez Facultad de Educación UNMSM
  • César Mauricio Pomajambo Zambrano Facultad de Educación, UNMSM
  • José Luis Solis Toscano Universidad Norbert Wiener
Keywords: digital skills, academic performance, secondary level specialty, high and low academic level


The purpose of the research was to establish the relationship between digital skills and academic performance in students of the secondary education specialty. The research design is descriptive-correlational. The sample consisted of 70 students, to whom the Digital Competences Assessment Questionnaire was applied, and it was related to the final averages obtained by the students; this through tests and statistical measures such as Spearman's Rho Correlation Coefficient, which gave a value of 0.725, the same that it shows as a degree of positive relationship and that was planned as part of the research objectives.
