Psychological distress and cyber-aggression as social contraindicators of development: a systematic review.

  • Omar Castro-Sataray Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: psychological distress, cyber-aggression, structural equation model


The objective is to analyze to which systems psychological discomfort and cyber-aggression have been linked with the SEM methodology. A systematic review of 82 articles was carried out based on the PRISMA model. The results show that psychological distress and cyber-aggression have been studied mostly in relation to the individual and family system, and the main adjustment indices reported are the RMSEA and the CFI. In conclusion, psychological distress and cyber-aggression have an open field for study due to the limited literature recorded; in addition, if it is necessary to return to a greater number of systems within its examination to determine which ones have the greatest influence and their effects on the economic and educational aspects.
