Research alternative in communication studies: Access to public information and its privacy as a human right in Mexico.

  • Arturo Secundino Hernández Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: access, information, public, private, human right


Access to public information, transparency and protection of personal data continues to generate different proposals for laws in various countries. The objective of the work was to know the number of empirical and theoretical articles, their characteristics in authorship, subject matter and research designs on public information articles and their privacy as a human right in Mexico. The applied methodology was a non-experimental, descriptive cross-sectional design, and the universe was made up of 935 articles. 197 articles were found in DOAJ, 19 in SciELO, and 719 in Redalyc. As conclusions, only fourteen publications met the established criteria, there was an average of 1.6 authors per article and more articles are published in the Latin American Journal of Communication (28%).
