Social impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in Los Ríos province, Ecuador.

  • Laura Marlene Ochoa Escobar Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Carolay Maria Burbano Teran Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Jomaly Jazmin Torres Ferrin Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Raúl Fabricio Sánchez Santacruz Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: social crisis, economic impact, health, legal order


In the Ecuadorian economy, the impact of COVID-19 is significant, due to the confinement of people in their homes, the stoppage of activities, the reduction of personnel in companies, and the decrease in formal and informal trade, which has caused a serious economic crisis for the population. In a very direct way, the loss of human life hits the country throughout its territory, with a very special incidence in provinces such as Guayas, Pichincha, Manabí and Los Ríos. This article addresses the social impact of the Province of Los Ríos, as structural weaknesses of the health system that can lead to a greater impact, and are hindering the response to the crisis.
