Application of the imputation to the victim in the crime of culpable homicide.

  • Merck Milko Benavides Benalcázar Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Luis Andrés Crespo-Berti 'Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Roberto Alexander Benavides Morillo Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Objective imputation, guilt, responsibility, victim, culpable homicide


Criminal Law is a legal science, which studies crime as a social legal phenomenon, which may be a custodial sentence, not a custodial sentence, and an economic sanction that affects the assets of the active subject. It is important for the judge to consider the national and supranational regulations applicable to the specific case, and the theory of objective imputation, in order to obtain a more objective judicial decision, without violating the rights and guarantees of the victim, or of the processed in compliance with due process, based on a broad legal criterion and if appropriate, the state of innocence of the accused will be ratified. The research carried out focuses on these aspects.
