Entrepreneurship in times of crisis: an evaluation of the impact of COVID in SMES in the Province of El Oro, Ecuador.

  • María Fernanda Palas Villagómez Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Virgilio Eduardo Salcedo-Muñoz Universidad Técnica de Machala
Keywords: entrepreneurship, SME, impact, economy, employment


The objective of the research is to evaluate the impact that the confinement measures resulting from COVID-19 have had on SMES in El Oro, Ecuador. These are, for the most part, small and medium-sized companies given the little equity and cash flow they have, the vast majority are family businesses that arise from the few sources of employment, characterized by their high dependence on the tourism industry and the shrimp. To carry out the research, the virtual survey was applied to 10% of the SMES in Machala. As a result, the cessation of operations of some SMES was detected due to the inability to meet commitments such as payroll payments and debts with creditors.
