Need to strengthen breastfeeding in children of the San Buenaventura parish: a case study.

  • Yarintza Coromoto Hernández Zambrano Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Belkis Sánchez Martínez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Adisnay Rodríguez Plasencia Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: breastfeeding, breastfeeding benefits, breast milk replacement, young women do not breastfeed


The objective of the research was aimed at identifying the perceptions of mothers of children from the San Buenaventura parish regarding breastfeeding. The research modality was quantitative, descriptive level, with a cross-sectional design; The survey was used as a technique, and the population corresponded to 291 mothers who attend the San Buenaventura Parish Health Center. The results were obtained that 39% correspond to young mothers between 19 and 22 years old, with more than 2 children, and 45% of mothers have stopped breastfeeding their child due to cracks in the nipples and other causes that were detected.
