Didactic-methodological strategy for mediation in the reading-comprehension of professional texts.

  • José Gregorio Martínez Rodríguez Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Angel Luis Cintra Lugones Universidad de Oriente
  • Rosangela Caicedo Quiroz Instituto Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología
Keywords: strategy, reading-comprehension, academic text, didactic interaction


Studies carried out assert that strategies are usually oriented to direct and achieve proposed objectives and thus transform the investigated object from considering the current state and the desired state. In this article, it is presented as a result of a scientific investigation, expressed in it, the essential logic the systematization of intentional mediation in professional reading-comprehension as a dynamic axis; In this sense, the dynamics of this process is considered as the nucleus that allows configuring a more creative process in university students. The authors assume the functional structural systemic method, from which it establishes in an interrelated system of the parts.
