Philosophy of education and subjectivity. An eclectic perspective.

  • Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Keywords: philosophy, education, subjectivity, personalism, existentialism


The philosophy of education is a study discipline that collects postulates from various philosophical currents and perspectives that are in constant dispute to gain space in the pedagogical field. This generates that certain perspectives are more hegemonic than others, such as the case of rationalism, utilitarianism and positivism in contemporary education. In this context, an analysis of the subjective essence of education based on personalism and existentialism was carried out. Specifically, subjectivity was discussed based on the ideas of Emmanuel Mounier, Søren Kierkegaard and Miguel de Unamuno. It is concluded, from an eclectic point of view, that good quality education is essentially subjective and objective.
