The Argar in secondary education. General features and resources for your knowledge.

  • José Andrés Carrillo-García Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UNED
Keywords: secondary education, Argar, material culture, social stratification, state


The Metal Age is a period that deserves more attention in the Spanish Secondary Education curriculum, since in it, a series of profound changes take place in prehistoric societies that lead them towards greater social complexity. Specifically, the Argaric society supposes for the Iberian Peninsula and Europe a break with the Chalcolithic traditions: population aggregation in fortified hills, ritual of individual burial and within the habitat, standardized ceramic productions, diversified metallurgy, social categories, «social division of labor ». All this supposes the establishment of forms of socio-economic exploitation similar to those of the old states. Through an updated historical synthesis, different resources are suggested for their implementation in the teaching processes.
