The preventive approach: didactic tool for the integral formation of the professional.

  • Andrés Rafael Pérez de la Rosa Universidad de Granma
  • Ondina María Lemus Cosme Universidad de Granma
  • Edison Prado Lemus Universidad de Granma
  • Graciela Justina Rosales Reyes Universidad de Granma
Keywords: comprehensive training, prevention, preventive approach, health promotion, health education


In the diagnosis made, it was found that students do not have sufficient preparation to face professional life in issues related to promotion and education for health and sexuality, which shows inadequacies in their comprehensive training. An important requirement for educators to correctly carry out health education is to start from the knowledge of the peculiarities of the characteristics of the development of children and of the hygienic and preventive measures related to the adequate development of all the functions of the organism. ; In this sense, the authors propose how to take into account the preventive approach in the teaching of the Human Anatomy and Physiology subject for the Bachelor's Degree in Preschool Education.
