Research project for the development of a system of individualized strategies to reduce limitations in movement, coordination, and balance capacities in the elderly of the Babahoyo Gerontological Center to improve their quality of life.

  • Aracely Moraima Cabezas Toro Centro de Salud Babahoyo de la Policía Nacional
Keywords: prophylaxis, quality of life, physical exhaustion, coordination skills, personalized intervention


The present work addresses the process of physical exhaustion in older adults; irreversible phenomenon that brings with it structural and functional changes such as limitations in movement, coordination, and balance abilities. This research project presents a proposal to implement an individualized intervention protocol based on a personalized diagnosis; The work will be focused on preventive actions focused on maintaining autonomy, mobility, better response to activities that require promptness, and improving the coordination capacities of the elderly at the Babahoyo Gerontological Center to improve their quality of life.
