Strengths in the e-learning modality in higher secondary education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Pedro García Alcaraz Universidad de Ciencias, Cultura, Educación y Gestión
  • Jorge Luis García Alcaraz Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Keywords: e-learning strengths, e-learning modality, e-learning weaknesses


The COVID19 pandemic has caused the suspension of classes in Mexico, which has made e-learning possible in class thanks to its curricular, institutional, teaching and student strengths. This article presents a model of structural equations where these variables are analyzed, relating them through 5 hypotheses that have been validated with information from 162 responses from teachers in Mexico, assuming that the curricular and institutional strengths are the independent variables that affect the strengths of the students. teachers and students. The results indicate that curricular strengths have a direct and positive impact on institutional, teacher and student strengths. Similarly, institutional and teacher strengths have a positive effect on student strengths.
