Bibliometric impact of a classic of the scientific literature in Mexico in the field of biochemistry.

  • María Elena Luna-Morales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Evelia Luna-Morales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: bibliometric impact, classic works, Mauricio Montal, Paul Mueller, Bioquímica-México


Analyze the impact of “Formation of Bimolecular Membranes from Lipid Monolayers and a Study of Their Electrical Properties”, a Mexican classic in the biochemical literature. Citations were retrieved from the Web of Sciences, which served to search for the full text and its location in the manuscript. In August 2021, the work registered 1608 acknowledgments, an average of 33 citations per year, 50% of citations are applied to support the work methodology and 41% in introduction and results. The citations come mainly from universities, institutes and research centers in the United States, Germany, England, France, Japan and Italy. The document is a classic that will continue to collect citations due to the transdisciplinarity it has achieved.
