Psychological well-being and coping strategies in higher education students in times of pandemic.

  • Everly M. García De la Ossa Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
  • Cynthia Lizeth Ramos Monsivais Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: psychological well-being, COVID-19, higher education, emotional intelligence, coping strategies


Mental health impacts the well-being and academic performance of university students. Confinement led to an increase in psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress. In the present work, a theoretical analysis was carried out on psychological well-being and coping strategies considering the context of COVID-19. 47 references were selected, mostly articles from indexed journals from the last 5 years. The need to develop appropriate strategies and resilience in university students that contribute to their well-being and allow them to face daily challenges was highlighted. This, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) oriented to health and well-being, and quality education of the UN 2030 Agenda.
