Sustainable masculinities, domestic work, and performance of university professors in COVID-19; when the home became part of the organization.

  • Miguel Angel Reyna Castillo Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: socially sustainable masculinities, domestic work, performance of university professors, educational organization, COVID-19


Confinement by COVID-19 led educational organizations to “work at home”, with disruptions in performance, especially in women, who perform academic functions amid the increase in domestic work, and many times, living in a macho culture where the woman has full responsibility for care in the home. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between the male culture of participation at home and the organizational performance of university academics in COVID-19. The methodology was statistical empirical (n = 255) and through an ANOVA-K it was found that in households where there is a greater culture of male participation, the organizational performance of university academics tends to significantly exceed that of their colleagues.
