Digital economy and business development.

  • Jaime Eduardo Gutiérrez Ascón Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión-Huacho
  • Justina Uribe Kajat Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Domingo Chiroque Sernaqué Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión-Huacho
  • Daniel Enrique Rey De Castro Hidalgo Universidad De Lima
Keywords: human talent, business development, digital economy, market


The objective of the research is to analyze the digital economy and its impact on business development in Peru. It was methodologically based on a descriptive correlational type. Given that the significance is .364 being less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), the H1 or affirmative hypothesis is accepted and H0 or null is rejected, which indicates that the digital economy has a favorable impact on business development in Peru. It is confirmed that the digital economy contributes favorably to business development, being an important point, incorporating ICT as a key element to enhance the sales and management of the company, requiring the promotion of human talent, knowledge, effective management, of the same for Access to be competitive in a demanding market.
