ISO 14001 project management and environmental quality of a coastal town in Peru.

  • Lisset Virginia Yataco Rosales Universidad Nacional de Cañete
  • Judith Soledad Yangali-Vicente Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener
  • Néstor Cuba Carbajal Universidad Nacional de Cañete
Keywords: ISO 14001 standards, environmental policy, environmental quality


When the population does not make efforts to maintain environmental quality, a process of increasing pollution begins, and it is imperative to reduce the factors that originate it. Within this context, it is proposed to analyze the relationship between project management based on the ISO 14001 standard and environmental quality in the district of San Vicente - Cañete, 2020, through a non-experimental design and correlational level. The application of the survey to 600 restaurant workers in the study area, allowed to determine that there is a good and positive correlation (Rho = 0.725), concluding that the application of the ISO 14001 standard will improve the environmental quality in the restaurants of the region. zone.
