Meaningful critical learning in early childhood education. An epistemological and postmodern perspective.

  • Nancy Lagos Apablaza Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • Felipe Mujica Johnson Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Keywords: learning, critical pedagogy, early education, affectivity, postmodernity


The theoretical foundations of education have evolved from a modern to a postmodern perspective, emerging new theories of learning, such as the constructivist and sociocritical perspective. From these theoretical bases, the theme of this essay emerges, which is significant critical learning in the context of early childhood education. In this way, the adult-centric view that has harmed protagonism, autonomy and leadership in children's learning is discussed. Learning is considered to be a particular and individual process, analyzing three theoretical principles of critical meaningful learning and developing some practical proposals for such learning. Thus, early childhood education recognizes its students as subjects of the right to an emancipatory, creative, conscious and democratic education.
