Foundations that support the educational attention to schools with intelectual disabilities in Cuba.

  • Elba Rosa Figueredo Vila Universidad de Granma
  • Clara María Rodríguez Vázquez Universidad de Granma
  • Yamisleidis Campusano Pompa Universidad de Granma
  • Susana Labrada Botello Universidad de Granma
Keywords: comprehensive educational care, intellectual disability, special educational needs


The special educational needs manifested by children, adolescents and young people with intellectual disabilities, require for their satisfaction a process of comprehensive educational care, based on references that take as the center of the educational work, the potentialities and competencies of the students to whom they are directs, consequently, in Cuba this process is based on the bases of the Cuban model of Special Education, which incorporates in an innovative way the experience accumulated in this field, and is also based on the postulates of the historical-cultural approach elaborated by L S Vygotski and his followers, who make it possible to adjust the educational response based on their maximum possible comprehensive development that allows them to face their social inclusion independently.
