Motivation as a factor in language learning: importance of strategies.

  • Itzayana Aguilar Pérez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • María de los Ángeles Hernández Alipi Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: motivation, language learning, strategies, languages, education


Motivation is a determining element in the teaching-learning process; that is why this study raises aspects in which motivation can be analyzed as a factor in the acquisition of languages as a second language, using strategies proposed by authors who have delved into the subject and the importance of motivation in said process. Through a qualitative cohort documentary study, the findings obtained in various researches consulted and an own classification are presented in a table on three strategies that can be implemented for the motivation of students of a language other than their mother tongue. A series of proposals are included for students who are trained in foreign languages.
