Impact of an educational intervention on the quality of life of adult patients infected by human papillomavirus (HPV).

  • Cornelio Bueno Brito Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Manuel Jacinto Flores Unidad de medicina familiar del instituto de seguridad y servicios sociales de los trabajadores del Estado
  • Josefina Delgado Delgado Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Acapulco
  • Silverio Petatán Mendoza Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
Keywords: educational intervention, human papillomavirus, infected patients, quality of life


The work aims to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention on the quality of life of patients infected by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Fifty patients participated, an anonymous questionnaire adapted from Ortunio was applied, and the items were grouped into three dimensions: sociodemographic variables, level of knowledge and quality of life. The educational intervention favorably modified the emotional and social reactions that influence the quality of life of patients and a favorable impact was demonstrated by reducing biopsychosocial reactions that generate conflicts in the well-being and daily life of infected patients. The educational intervention had an influence to replace dysfunctional thoughts, favorably modify emotional and social reactions that affect the quality of life.
