Social perception of COVID-19 as an epidemiological phenomenon: a view from Cuba.

  • Isaac Irán Cabrera Ruiz Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Ángel Joel Méndez López Universitat de València
  • Nadiosly de la Caridad de la Yncera Hernández Universidad de Quintana Roo
Keywords: pandemic COVID-19, confinement, subjectivity


This work aimed to reveal social perceptions of COVID-19 as an epidemiological phenomenon that Cubans have. The research followed a qualitative constructive interpretive approach. The sample was intentionally selected. A qualitative questionnaire was applied through WhatsApp. The social perception configured beliefs about the significance of the danger, the discomforts experienced, and the causes attributed to the actions of the people, the characteristics of the disease and the decision-making of the government. Daily routines were restructured due to the experience of psychological discomfort and the decrease in contacts with friends and family, which mainly led to a rethinking of the use of time.
