Entrepreneurial skills and abilities of future graduates in Ecuador: Case Faculty of Business Sciences - Technical University of Machala.

  • Evelyn Paola Barragán Miranda Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Emily Patricia Quezada Ríos Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Galo Rodrigo Moreno Sotomayor Universidad Técnica de Machala
Keywords: entrepreneurship, university, entrepreneurial capacity, entrepreneurship skills


Entrepreneurial skills and abilities comprise those skills and attitudes that a person willing to undertake should have. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities in students of the last levels of the careers of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the UTMACH. A descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was carried out. The method was deductive, and the technique used to collect the data was the survey and two measurement questionnaires were used as instruments. The sample consisted of 191 students. It was found that students have a very high development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities in the dimensions and areas evaluated.
