Training consequences of the pandemic from the perceptions of professors and university students.

  • Agustín Cortés Coss Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Arnulfo Treviño Cubero Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Claudia Marcela Cárdenas Estrada Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Keywords: professors, students, higher education, engineering education, digital education


In times of the COVID 19 pandemic, Higher Education institutions in Mexico applied strategies to adapt to new conditions; however, it is necessary to explore ways and methods to mitigate the problems and extract the positive from this situation. This study aims to: identify the experiences of teachers and students about the effects of the pandemic, which will serve as a reference to analyze the changes introduced; it is descriptive, cross-sectional, and non-experimental. A questionnaire with questions of different types was applied to students and teachers of an engineering school. The results showed similarities between the perceptions of both groups and revealed the training needs derived from the models used in times of pandemic.
