Educational leadership and inclusion. A socio-critical and postmodern perspective.

  • Rocío Concha López Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Felipe Mujica Johnson Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Claudia Inostroza Barahona Universidad de Chile
Keywords: leadership, learning, inclusion, school, moral education


The purpose of this essay is to analyze the role of leadership in the learning and inclusion process of school education centers, from a socio-critical and postmodern perspective. It is identified that leadership is associated with the integral education of students, as well as playing an important role in inclusive education and in the autonomy of the members of the educational community, especially in the dialectic transformation and innovation of learning environments. It argues the importance of promoting leadership in all members of the educational community, as well as opening spaces for a critical and postmodern culture that challenges the traditional and conservative models of formal education, with emphasis on Latin American contexts.
