Academic-administrative factors that impact research on sustainable development goals (SDGs) in undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Manuel Gutiérrez-Ortiz Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: SDGs, 2030 agenda, scientific research, teaching capacity


The objective of this work is to determine if the tutoring aimed at research, good teaching performance and the capacity of teachers, increase the research of the UN 2030 agenda; for this, an exhaustive review of the literature was carried out, a research instrument was defined, it was applied to 330 undergraduate and postgraduate university students and the hypothesis was verified. Among the results, it was found that there is an impact between the academic-administrative factors and the SDGs research. A statistical study was carried out that led to a predictive model that shows the importance of the approach that universities and their professors must take towards research and the orientation of the SDGs.
